Established in 1986
Established in 1986

Our History

Futures Tennis Academy has operated as a leading Australian tennis coaching company for a period of over thirty five years. The company commenced in 1986 after Company Director, Wes Horskins, returned from playing the ATP world circuit for six years. Whilst over-seas Wes coached for two years at the prestigious Haza Del Algarobbo Tennis Centre on the Costa Del Sol, Fuengirola in Spain. When Wes relocated back to Melbourne in 1990 Futures Tennis won the lease at the Malvern Tennis Centre whilst also coaching at East Malvern TC and Korowa Girls School along with four other smaller venues. With 24 staff the business grew to be one of the largest in Australia and continues to be one of the most respected.

Futures Tennis is the only academy in the nation to be recognised by Tennis Australia to win three Newcombe medals in different categories: "Hot Shots" 2011 and "Club Coach" 2012 and in 2016 won "Most Outstanding Tennis Centre/Club".

Operations, Marketing, Sales and Coach Manager
Operations, Marketing, Sales and Coach Manager

Our Leadership Team

Our leadership team includes Wes as the Director along with an Operations, Marketing, Sales and Coach Manager.

FTA also employs four full time Head Coaches. All coaches are Tennis Australia Qualified, some having run their own businesses, while others are from interstate or over-seas. FTA has international coaches from Argentina, Germany, Spain and Brazil. F.T.A. coaches attend regular Tennis Australia Professional Development seminars to update knowledge of the latest teaching techniques and coaching philosophies.

What we strive for:
What we strive for:

Vision and Mission


To be the most respected grassroots tennis operator and coaching academy in Australia


To achieve our vision Futures Tennis mission is to provide exceptional tennis experiences to the widest possible number of people to increase participation:

1] Maximises and leverages our strategic alliances with Local, State and National Governing bodies

2] Participates and promote inclusive and diverse grass roots TA programs such as: Hot Shots, Cardio Tennis, Mums and Tots, Tennis in Schools, School Partnership, Community Play, Kids on Court and the Australian Open Kids Day programs to increase participation "more people playing more often".

3] Employs qualified staff with exceptional experience along with background checks: WWCC, Police checks, First aid qualified, Annual certification, ongoing and regular PD development, senior mentor with junior developmental coach.

4] Teach only best practice teaching methodologies and latest sports science coach feedback.

5] Unique Futures Tennis on and off court systems which guarantee best learning outcomes e.g blended coaching.

6] Create welcoming tennis community hubs for all players to meet and play at all standards.

7] Use only the latest IT to administer our programs e.g. online bookings, book a court, open gate access.

FTA is passionate about tennis and believe it to be the most equitable, inclusive and diverse of all World Sports.
FTA is passionate about tennis and believe it to be the most equitable, inclusive and diverse of all World Sports.

Our Values

Tennis is the only sport: which all nations play, of all colours; of all religions; of all ages from the very young to the very old; for all genders of equal numbers; including all minority groups the gay and lesbian; or the indigenous; can be played by both a team or individual; or even by a male with a female; one can play at world level with millions watching, or by oneself against a wall; it offers equal pay, recognition and opportunity for both genders; it can be played indoors or out and does not require more than just a racquet and a ball; it allows equal prospect for success regardless of one’s natural born size or physique; it has recognised and established International competition pathways for the both intellectual or physically challenged [e.g. wheelchair] and provides, at the same time, an immeasurable benefit to society, both physically and socially, by way of healthy lifestyle and family and community cohesiveness.

Yet for what is such an inclusive sport, with a tradition and history spanning and evolving over a hundred years, tennis still manages today to challenge, as it did when first invented, every aspect of human endeavour – physically, mentally, tactically and technically.

For all of these reasons, we believe tennis is the greatest of all sports and we pledge to promote and foster the game with this believe and passion at every opportunity. This tennis culture is the same values & culture we bring to our company.

What an amazing sport!
What an amazing sport!

Our Beliefs

We believe in inspiring the next generation of tennis players, and particularly, pride ourselves on developing and growing participation at the grassroots level. Therefore, our goal, is to develop family friendly community tennis hubs where people come to play our great game.

Furthermore, since playing tennis requires a range of "life skills" we also believe tennis enhances peoples lives . Obviously tennis is about developing a players technical, tactical, physical and psychological skills, but, it also develops the social, emotional and behavioural skills as well.

The sport of Tennis commenced in Europe, at the end of the 11th century, when players first hit the ball with the palm of their hands. After 800 years, to this day, it remains a truly unique world leader in sport!

It can be a, team or individual sport, equally as popular with boys and girls. You umpire it between yourself and your opponent. You can play with and/or against the same and the opposite sex e.g. mixed doubles. The game is based on standard, not age, therefore you can play with and against all age groups. You can play it with the entire family, all year round, with minimal equipment, indoors or out and whilst playing, without realising, you are engaging in a healthy lifestyle. It is played by all countries, with equal opportunity, world wide, including adding to the game their own diverse cultures, religions and ethnicities. Subsequently, it is the most inclusive of sports with a rich and long history of bringing people together, all over the world, for your entire life. No wonder it has lasted for so long...

Lastly, since 1973, we have had the first professional sports people paid to play with equal pay for male and females, right back when a young Aboriginal girl called Evonne Goolongong from outback Australia became the first mother to be crowned the number one player in the World.