About Tennis Lessons
Futures Coaching Pathways are systematic & sequential offering all players an opportunity to reach their potential. At each stage in the program players see the next phase of their development. The International Tennis Federation has conducted exhaustive research into what, and how, is the best and fastest approach for kids to learn to play tennis and have recommended"play based approach" as world best practice. Futures Tennis Academy is one of only fifteen nationwide Hot Shots Ambassadors trained and endorsed by Tennis Australia to teach kids to serve, rally and score from virtually their first class. Teaching tennis for children of all ages, at last, has a clear pathway and a holistic approach for developing players as the balls and court sizes change as pupils become older/better.

The Launch Pad Fundamental Motor Skill [FMS} program starts the Hot Shots journey. This program has two levels Beginner and Developing. Our small groups guarantee toddlers develop FMS skills transferable to tennis: tracking, movement, balance etc in a fun and dynamic environment. Pupils use small 19 inch racquet, 75% low compression ball, small 1/4 modified net and court to scale the equipment to size of the child. Pupils in the Beginner program are competent at FMS and the Developing program pupils can do a sequence of coach fed shots before progressing to Red Ball.

RED BALL Ages 5-8
Book into term 4 coaching & receive a FREE TERM OF COMPETITION
Our Red ball program has three levels: Beginner, Developing and Competent based upon pupils rallying competence and uses a 75% low compression ball on two 1/2 courts. Pupils learn to become independent players and can "serve, rally and score" using Play Based Approach Methodology. The emphasis in red ball is learning to rally with modified stroke development in accordance with the skill and cognitive level of students. Coaches also develop social skills due to pupils having to take turns, work in pairs, listen and engage.
Buy 21 or 23 inch red ball racquet delivered to your next lesson
All coaching have aligned competition pathways in our Friday Night Leagues.

Orange ball has three levels: Beginner, Developing and Competent. Pupils use a 50% low compression ball on two 3/4 size courts. Having a scaled learning environment assists with both explicit and implicit learning. Our unique blended court class set up maximises learning by offering skills coaching on one court whilst on the other we set challenge tasks to motivate pupils to learn in pairs. Pupils are at an age where technical development is our highest priority.
Buy 23 and 25 inch orange ball racquet delivered to your next lesson
All coaching have aligned competition pathways in our Friday Night Leagues.

GREEN BALL Ages 9-12
Green ball ahas three levels: beginner, Developing and Competent. Pupils use a 25 % low compression ball so that the ball bounces lower into pupils hitting zones. Our blended court class set up allows pupils direct coaching on one half of the court whilst also setting motivating challenges on the other half. We have an individual athlete emphasis working on each pupils within our set weekly lesson plans. Green ball is the last stage before the teenage yellow ball program with no modifications.
Buy 25 and 26 inch green ball racquet delivered to your next lesson
All coaching have aligned competition pathways in our Friday Night Leagues.

Our ten most capable and dedicated male and female Hot Shots players from red, orange and green are invited into our Hot Shot Team Squads. The program runs for 60 minutes. Players invited to attend must show above average dedication, ability and attitude. To guarantee a quality program players are selected by invitation only. To be invited pupils must participate in two, or more, weekly programs. Team players also receive special privileges e.g invitation to Kids on Court at the Australian Open.

Recreational Program
Teens who want to learn the fundamentals can enrol into our Recreational Squads or Cardio fitness classes. Squads go for 60 min. Many Teens enjoy tennis in a recreational capacity and we foster and endorse playing the lifetime sport of tennis for fun, fitness and with friends. Pupils can book into a squad as a group of friends. Futures tennis also conduct a social teenage internal competition on Friday nights from 5.30-7pm.

Club Program
Our most popular Teen program is for the competitive player who aspires to be as good as possible. This program has three levels: Futures 13-14, Challenger 14-15 and Pro 15 years above. Classes run for 60 min and have a small ratio of coach to pupil. Emphasis is on developing each players technical, tactical and physical fitness to their personal best. Most Teens play, or could play, local junior competition. Our systems include: detailed lesson plans, blended court coaching and the latest teaching aids including ball machines, topspin pro and serving aids etc. Our clubs are also some of the largest in Victoria

Talent Development & Performance squads
Talent Development squads are for players who show dedication and talent at the game. Our coaches hand select players from our Comps program who show the most potential, talent and dedication. Talent Dev squads go for 90 min. Our High Performance squads are for players who dedicate their lives to the game. These pupils are tournament players. Squads go for 120 minutes with small ratios. The course includes fitness, strategic match play, video analysis, sports psych and technical analysis and correction. The course is by invitation only.

Private & Semi-Private Lessons
Futures Tennis also offer private classes seven days a week to adults to either supplement, or extend, existing players programs and development. Private and semi-private classes are the best way to learn if you consider yourself as: a players who needs time to work on specific individual weaknesses, a players who lacks confidence and would prefer to learn one on one, is an advanced players who want to add to existing programs, is a beginner player who want to fast track their improvement, or, is a player who prefers to play with a friend in a semi-private class.

Adult Group Coaching
Adult Group Coaching is conducted at different mid-week morning times. The most popular coaching time is Friday from 9.15 am at East Malvern Tennis Club. Players are placed into a similar standard and learn the basis technically and tactical components of all strokes. You can book in for a term or a discount semester option as well. Some players book in by themselves and are placed into a group whilst others join as a team, or, with a group of friends. Whichever way you join you'll have fun, gain fitness and improve your game.

Cardio Tennis
Cardio is the new way to play tennis! It is not tennis coaching. It is a workout on the tennis court to music with fun, fitness based drills and activities for all players and standards. These group sessions run for a term or discount semester. Emphasis is on drilling and having a gut crunching work out where you hit heaps of balls and burn up calories. Although Cardio has no coaching element you will hit many more balls in these work outs than you would if simply practicing. Players can organise their own group of friends for 6 for 45 min, 8 for 60 min or join an existing group.

Mums & Tots
The Mums & Tots Program is designed for Mums with young kids to get back into Tennis and bring their Tots [kinder age] along for a go as well! The program offers discount rates for the Tots. Tots do a FUNdamental Motor Skill program with a coach while the Mums are put through a term program of "Getting back into Tennis" with emphasis on learning the basics, developing fitness and general match play.

Team Coaching
Is your team under-performing, or perhaps, not jelling, or do some players not understand their role on the doubles court? Many ladies, night comps and adult pennant teams choose to participate in coaching as a "team" and therefore set up their own group of four for 60 min. Not only is it more fun learning as a team but it motivates everybody in the team to work together. Call us to organise a term of classes dealing with e.g. doubles match play, or anything, you believe your team needs to improve.

Private House
If you have your own court we will come to you. We conduct classes seven days a week, therefore we can organise a coach to attend your place at most times that you wish.

Corporate & School Days
Could your business develop its team work in a one off fun, friendly and physically challenging environment? Or does your school or business want a fun and different event? In the City of Stonnington Municipality, tennis is the most popular sport people play. We can hire out courts with coaches at reasonable prices at East Malvern Tennis Club for an event or one off Workout.